Sunday, October 26, 2014

ONEF Review - Sara Biggs Chaney

I'm pretty excited that Stirring Magazine published a review of One Never Eats Four in their latest issue, written by the lovely Sara Biggs Chaney. You can read it here.

Poem In Flapperhouse

My poem, "Map of the Twentieth Century," is in the newest issue of Flapperhouse Magazine. You can purchase a print or digital copy here.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Poem At Tirage Monthly

My poem, July 12, can be read in the newest issue of Tirage Monthly, here. I wrote it shortly after the attempted assassination of Malala Yousafzai, and it's a favorite among stuff I've written recently, so I'm really glad it found a home.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Poem At Thirteen Myna Birds

I'm thrilled to have a poem, "Cancer," in the new flock over at Thirteen Myna Birds, read it here before it flies away.

Interview With Andi Cumbo-Floyd

Andi Cumbo-Floyd interviewed me for her site, you can check out what I'm reading, some of my favorite books, and how I write here.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

ONEF Review - Christina Veladota

Christina Velodota wrote a beautiful review of One Never Eats Four.

Sub Life

A month ago, I had little hope for my latest batch of poems finding homes in literary journals, but as I sit here typing this, three out of four of them have been taken by some great publications. I'm both thrilled and nervous to go back to my desk and put together another batch to begin sending out.

What's perplexing is that, of the four pieces, the lone poem left over from this group is the one I was most passionate about. And, while I could just write it off as a difference in taste between myself and, oh, every editor within a thousand miles of me who declined it, I'm coming to the realization this is simply one of those cases in which the passion you have for an idea isn't going to ensure a great project comes out of it.

Part of being a writer is having somewhat of an objective view of your limitations, and a difficulty I've had in the past has been accepting that I occasionally don't have the right skills to carry out one of my ideas. The last time this happened was with a novel whose story I was excited to tell. After finishing a draft, attempting some edits, shelving it for a bit, etc., it just never came together, and I knew that if I was being honest with myself, it was because I didn't have the skill (at that time, anyway, which was years ago) to see a great idea to a great finished piece.

With this poem, I see the same scenario emerging, though I feel that with more practice at writing these types of poems (it's current event-ish in nature, which I don't write very often), I may be able to come back to it and build it up to what it deserves to be. I'm not sure why I feel more hopeful about it this time than I did with the novel - maybe it's a poetry thing. Maybe I've just come farther as a writer and realize the craft is, always, always, always, a work in progress.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Poem in Stone Highway Review

I'm excited to share the new issue of Stone Highway Review, which contains my poem, Apothecary. You can purchase a copy or read it for free here.

ONEF Review - Steven Stam

Steven Stam reviewed One Never Eats Four on his blog, Writing and Running Through Life. Check it out here.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

ONEF Now Available

My new poetry chapbook, One Never Eats Four, is finally out in the world and ready for consumption. It contains twenty-five poems I wrote over the last year or so that I'm quite proud of. Anyone looking to pick up a copy may do so through the ELJ Publications Store.

I owe a huge thanks to ELJ's Editor, Ariana den Bleyker, for publishing this, as well as for taking me on as an Associate Editor. Working at a literary press is a dream I honestly didn't know if/when I'd be able to fulfill, but she's helped me achieve it, and it's honestly every bit as rewarding as I expected it to be. I definitely recommend checking out the wide array of titles ELJ has and will publish. I'm so proud of the diversity in content and authors that we publish.

Additionally, here is an ELJ Breaking Bread interview, in which I talk about my work, moming, tank tops, and Disney.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Review In Gently Read Literature

I had the pleasure of reviewing Alex Dimitrov's poetry collection, Begging for It, in the Winter 2014 issue of Gently Read Literature. Thanks to Daniel Casey for letting me speak about an awesome new poet.

New Poem In Juked

Happy to have my poem, " motherhooded ," in the new issue of Juked , just in time for the end of National Poetry Month and Mother...