Tuesday, October 1, 2019


It's October, which marks the beginning of THE POEMING! This year, almost sixty writers will use Christopher Pike's fantastically bad 90s novels to make 31 found poems in 31 days. I'm excited to see what everyone makes from these texts!

If you want to check out some of the writers' work throughout the month, I'll be reblogging a few poems a day on THE POEMING's main tumblr. You can also read my daily poems using Pike's The Visitor here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Poems in Moonchild Magazine

The latest issue of Moonchild Magazine is out, and I have three remix poems in it, written using Mira Grant's FEED. You can read them here, and I recommend also checking out the rest of this huge, experimental issue. EIC Nadia Gerassimenko put so much work into it, down to the awesome visual design.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Poem in Killjoy Flash Issue

Glad to have my poem, "ID4EVR" in Killjoy Lit Mag's #No4th flash issue. It's chock-full of potato salad, Jeff Goldblum, and of course, women's healthcare! Yay! Read it here.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Poem in Really System

Really System is a kick-ass journal that published me a while back, and I'm happy to be in their most recent issue again with a new poem called "Hunt Mother." This one's part of a series of remix poems I created using old issues of National Geographic Little Kids Magazine. Hoping to publish more from this group soon! In the meantime, you can read "Hunt Mother" here.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Poets Resist Guest Editor

This fabulous list of poems is the result of my month-long stint as Glass Poetry's guest editor for their Poets Resist feature. I was worried I wouldn't get enough submissions, or that I wouldn't get work from more underrepresented writers, but the diversity and quality of the work I received blew me away. This is probably the most fun I've had as an editor, at least in a very long time. You can read these poems here.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Poems In FIVE:2:ONE Magazine

You can finally read some of my remix poems from last year's THE POEMING project, thanks to FIVE:2:ONE. I had a lot of fun writing these zombie/journalism/politics poems, using Mira Grant's novel, FEED, as a source text.

Check out my weird remix babies here, and super thanks to Nathan Alan Schwartz and staff at F2O for my first pub of 2019!

New Poem In Juked

Happy to have my poem, " motherhooded ," in the new issue of Juked , just in time for the end of National Poetry Month and Mother...